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Senior School

The School is registered and accredited to present students for both the Record of School Achievement and the Higher School Certificate. The HSC provides a certificate to mark the end of secondary education as well as the qualification for entry to universities. A high proportion of Shore boys undertake university courses while others enter the business world, trades, armed services and some return to the rural sector.


The School aims to provide breadth as well as depth in its curriculum. Courses offered allow a degree of specialisation but allow boys to keep their future options open and some scope in following their own particular interests.

In line with the School's aim that boys attain academic achievements commensurate with their ability, our research indicates that as a group Shore boys consistently perform in the HSC at a significantly higher level than would be predicted on the basis of ability. This is particularly evident in the mid-ability range. Shore also regularly produces boys who perform in the highest percentile band in the HSC examinations. In recent years students have been placed in the top ten in the State in a variety of subjects. Over 75% of Shore students have consistently gained entrance to university courses, a pleasing achievement when Shore's non-selective intake is taken into account.


The School offers a small number of scholarships for boys entering in Year 7 and Year 11 and for boys progressing from the Preparatory School into the Secondary School. The Scholarships are based on the ability of students to provide academic leadership within the School as well as the likelihood of boys benefiting from an education at Shore. Information concerning scholarship examinations is published in the press during first term each year.

Please consult the Scholarships page for detailed information on Shore Scholarships.


The School offers a broad curriculum which is organised into three stages: Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8), Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) and Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12). The 2017 Curriculum shows the Key Learning Areas by year and stage.

Boys are assisted in their studies by a range of support services and access to state of the art information and library services in the B.H. Travers Centre.


The teaching timetable is repeated after each 7 consecutive working days. The benefit is that holidays or long weekends will not always affect the same day of the cycle.

There are six 47 minute periods in a day and the school day usually begins at 8.23am and ends at 2.55pm. However in the Senior School on alternate Mondays school will begin at 9.15am to allow for Staff Professional Development time. These days are indicated in the School calendar which is published on Lampada and on the School website. Supervision is available at School for those students who wish to arrive at School at the normal time.


8.26am-9.13am : Period 1
9.16am-10.03am : Period 2
10.06am -10.34am : Tutor Periods/Chapel/Assembly
10.34am-10.53am : Recess
10.56am11.43am : Period 3
11.46am-12.33pm : Period 4
12.33pm-1.13pm : Lunch
1.16pm-2.03pm : Period 5
2.06pm-2.53pm : Period 6

Slight variations exist on Fridays to allow for House Meetings and the distribution of Pink Cards and awards. All these times are signaled by time-set bells throughout the School.

The cycle number of each day is displayed at various places around the School, in the boy's Diary and in the Calendar given to each boy.

The Tutor Period at 10.06 am daily is used for different purposes on various days in various parts of the School. These include a weekly Chapel Service and the Headmaster's Assembly on Thursday. On two days every week the Tutor Group meets on its own with its Tutor. These occasions are used for administrative purposes, for pastoral work and counselling.



The School believes strongly in the value of regular and demanding homework at all levels. Such activity is a valuable reinforcement of classroom teaching, and, if encouraged within the home, helps in the development of self-motivation and self-discipline on which Shore places a high priority. A full and clear statement on homework is to be found in the Curriculum Handbook appropriate to a boys' level of study. The following is given as an outline in regard to the expected length of homework.

Years 7, 8 Maximum 1.5 hours each night
Years 9, 10 Maximum 2 hours each night
Years 11, 12 Minimum 3 hours each night.

Boys are issued with a School Diary at the beginning of the year. This diary is checked regularly at School for accuracy and neatness. The School encourages parents to do the same and to be in touch with the Tutor or Housemaster if they are at all concerned about their son's homework.

Boys who do not complete their homework to the satisfaction of the teacher concerned may be required to stay behind after school on the first appropriate day to attend a Backwork session to complete the work. Each Backwork session runs from 3.05pm to 3.50pm and is supervised by member of staff.


1. Peer Academic Tutoring

This system has been used at Shore for some years with significant success. Boys in Years 7 and 8 who are experiencing difficulties with their academic work or organisation are assigned mentors from the senior boys in their House. The mentor meets with the younger boy on a regular basis to discuss progress and to help with homework and remedial programmes. Over the years we have noticed significant improvement in the younger boys' skills and confidence as a result of this programme, as well as the development of close friendships.

2. Study Centre

The Study Centre is open after school to allow boys to seek individual help and guidance with their work. Teachers from various subject areas are available according to an advertised timetable and boys are able to access this help as they wish. There is no extra cost for this.

3. Literacy

The School is strongly committed to the improvement of boys' literacy levels. All staff have been through extensive training programmes so that the teaching of literacy occurs in all subjects and is co-ordinated across the School. In addition there are many opportunities for boys to learn to express themselves verbally through the incorporation of drama, talks and debates in English classes.

4. Holiday Workshops

For a small fee, boys in Year 12 are able to undertake extra tuition during vacations by attending workshops conducted by teaching staff. Staff run three hour sessions focusing on specific aspects of the course. This is also an opportunity for students to finish projects in practical based subjects.

5. DEAR Program

As reading is critical to improvement in literacy, the School has a 'Drop Everything And Read' Program in which boys in Years 7 - 9 spend 15 minutes each day reading a fiction book in class. The supervising teacher also reads a book, acting as a role model for the boys. The program is well accepted and supported by boys and staff alike.


In addition to special programs for academically gifted boys as an extension of normal classwork, the School participates in and enjoys significant success in academic competitions and activities outside the classroom. These encourage boys to aim for excellence beyond that achieved in their normal studies and to face challenges they would not usually encounter.