
At Shore, our Christian vision of wellbeing is to cultivate all members of the community to flourish. As Jesus said,”…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. (John 10:10) When a community enjoys life to the full, God is glorified and there is a deep love of serving each other.
Shore values and promotes wellbeing as it is at the core of what we wish to achieve. It involves the wider Shore community including students, staff, parents and old boys.
At Shore we believe that faith, character, virtue and the moral dimension of life is central to human flourishing and that human beings make more sense of life in community than they do as individuals.
Our School provides a sense of belonging to students, staff, parents and old boys. The School will nurture its members to strengthen its community and provide an environment where positive wellbeing can be achieved and valued.
Shore considers wellbeing to fall into the following domains as provided by the Australian Psychology Society.

• Physical Wellbeing: the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigour
• Social Wellbeing: the ability to have satisfying relationships and interactions with others
• Emotional Wellbeing: the ability to control emotions and express them appropriately and comfortably
• Spiritual Wellbeing: a guiding sense of meaning or value in life
• Intellectual Wellbeing: the ability to learn, grow from experience, and utilise intellectual capabilities
• Vocational Wellbeing: having interests, employment, volunteer work or other activities that provide personal satisfaction and enrichment in daily life

These domains provide a framework for the School to assess its competency in addressing each area of wellbeing.

Wellbeing Model

Shore has worked extensively with Dr Greg Wells in developing a model for wellbeing based around five key elements:


Connect Wisely

Connecting wisely relates to the broad but inter-connected domains of emotions, relationships and meaning. Wellbeing is most likely to occur when a person is connected to their own emotional state, to a caring community, and to a set of beliefs or principles that provide purpose and meaning in life.
At Shore our Christian beliefs and practices are foundational to all that we do and we are intentional in providing opportunities for our community to ‘connect’.  


Spiritual – Weekly Chapel, Christian Studies classes, Crusaders
Community – Houses and Tutor Groups, positive teacher-student relationship, games, performing arts, co-curricular and service activities


Spiritual – Weekly Chapel, community Chapel services
Community – Common Room functions, School service activities


Spiritual – Community Chapel services such as Evensong and Carols, Prayer group
Community - Community Chaplain Rev Dr. Nick Foord (
Shore Parents Association events such as parenting seminars, Year group functions, and other community events.
Foundation events such as Icebreaker and Sportsman’s lunch

Old Boys

Spiritual – Community Chaplain Rev Dr. Nick Foord
Chapel services such as Evensong and Carols.
Community – OBU reunions and events, committee membership, School Council membership, providing support to Old Boys on career and life issues.

eat   Eat Smarter
The Power of Good Nutrition
• More energy
• Fewer illnesses
• Helps us to think, learn, create and solve problems
• Healthier muscles, bones and organs 
sleep   Sleep Soundly
The Power of Sleep
• Memories and learning are consolidated
• Creativity is enhanced
• Immune systems recover and regenerate
• Body fat is burned
• Muscles repair and grow 



move  Move More
The Power of Movement
• Makes you happier
• Improves memory, learning, problem solving and concentration
• Prevents and treats cardiovascular disease, lowers risk of certain
types of cancer by 24-50%
• Alleviates depression and anxiety
• Reduces the number of cold and flu infections that you get by 75% 
think  Think Clearly
The Power of Thinking Clearly
• Helps you stay relaxed
• Helps with sports, music and other performances
• Enhances concentration
• Improves learning
• Lowers stress and anxiety

Preparatory School

The Wellbeing model is explicitly taught to the Preparatory School boys through curriculum-based lessons. In addition to these classroom activities, a number of other wellbeing initiatives are used to support the boys. Some of these include the use of mindfulness activities, healthy canteen choices, opportunities during break times to be physically active and a pastoral approach that fosters strong interpersonal connections between the boys and the staff.